Veritas 800 Marine
Slow-speed engine oils

Veritas 800 Marine is recommended for the crankcase lubrication of large, slow-speed marine diesel engines. Due toingress of higher viscosity cylinder drip oil into the SAE 30 system oil, the viscosity often shows an increase. Using theSAE 20 grade will help to correct such an increase. Veritas 800 Marine meets the Wärtsilä, MAN B&W and Mitsubishicrosshead engine system oil requirements.
Wear Protection
Protects bearings and bright metals in the engine lubrication systems against corrosive wear from acids formed by combustion.
Ensures clean crankcases, piston interiors and lubricating oil lines.
Corrosion Protection
Prevents corrosion of engine parts when the engine is not in operation.
Rust Protection
Protects all engine parts against rusting.
Resistance to Foaming
Prevents the formation of foam and ensures smoothoperation of pumps with a continuous feed of oil to all parts that need lubricating.
Easy Purification
Can be cleaned with normal shipboard purifiers. Water washing of Veritas 800 Marine is neither necessary nor recommended.