Way Lubricant
Proven performance machine tool slideway lubricant

Way Lubricant is a proven performance machine tool slideway lubricant, designed to reduce friction and drag, stick-slip and machine tool chatter. It also offers good demulsification stability and coolant separation performance.
Machine tool slideways and guides:
- Horizontal slideways (ISO 68)
- Light-to-moderate applications (ISO 68)
- Vertical slideways (ISO 220)
- More severe applications (ISO 220)
- Suitable for use with Bijur Automatic Lubricant delivery systems
- Other industrial applications requiring an adhesive, corrosion inhibited lubricant with EP properties
- Proven friction modifiers reduce slideway friction, drag, stick-slip and machine tool chatter, improving workpiece surface finish
- Robust tackiness additives provide a tough, thick oil film that enables accurate table positioning
- Tough EP oil film protects surfaces under heavy load conditions, preventing slideway and guide scoring and wear
- Anti rust and corrosion additives increase equipment and hydraulic system service life
- Tackiness agents ensure lubricant stays in place, and will not be squeezed out, even on vertical slideways
- Demulsibility and adhesive properties prevent wash-out by other fluids, and provide rapid separation from coolants, preventing bacterial growth
- Cincinnati Machine Specification P-47 Heavy-Medium Way Oil (ISO 68)
- Cincinnati Machine Specification P-50 Heavy Way Oil (ISO 220)
- As an hydraulic oil that meets the requirements of DIN 51524 part II.
Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment operating conditions and customer’s maintenance practices